This is one of my first official team projects in my college. Each team consisted of five to six members. My team was code named " TEAM D " and there were totally six members in my team including myself being the team leader. Being a team leader, it was upto me to guide my peers and to help them in anyway I can to execute the work.
We were given the theme " garbage " and we had to make something out of it. Initially, we brainstormed whatever came to mind and then picked a few out and worked on them. Ideas started flowing once we got the concept of our game. We as a team decided to work on a Board X Card game. Each were assigned to work on a specific task given. We further, grouped ourselves into two, me & few others were working on the cards for the game and gameplay systems, another two were working on the board design, typos and some other ideas and another group was working on icons for the board and miscellaneous activities.
Collectively we worked on the GDD ( Game Design Documentation ) and the step by step process of the game. If you're interested to take a look at it the links are provided below.